There are two types of alcoholic gifts - what to drink, and something that helps people to drink alcohol. Wine consumption in the "noble purpose" requires a number of conditions and subjects. Corkscrews, glassware, wine racks and cabinets, holders for bottles, snacks and special te te, te, and PE. Typically, this is a useful thing, but it happens and inlay decoration. In association with the decorative and useful ideas are the best gifts for New Year to those who are, apparently, is no surprise.

Whiskered corkscrew

D'Artagnan turn in any of, say, a mere mortal, but shmurdyak - in burgundy wine at a dashing mustachioed party will fancy corkscrew by "Fred Frendz End," which costs 15 dollars and is made of durable materials.

The stylish bottle thermometer

This wine lover will never drink dry white wine, if the temperature exceeds 12 degrees Celsius, and red - if it is just out of the fridge. The thermometer on the brand "Menu" easy to put on the bottle and shows everyone who observe culture of drinking, it is already possible or even impossible.

"Wine on beer - a miracle"

Drink a glass of beer or a cup of wine from the same "package" allows the invention of "Fred Frendz End" - in some situations to keep the mug handier than a glass in his thin leg. In complex companies equipped with such vessels would be difficult to know who is drinking.


Material culture develops in a spiral, suggesting that diversification, the unification. In the Soviet era cabinets from ordinary Soviet people, for example, there were no books, and sets of dishes for different reasons and types of beverages. Vodka and cognac drink from small items, from wine glasses, champagne stemware from on high stalk solemnly. In the kitchen or in the park all of the above perfectly pilos from the same cup.

In an era of standardization and life in a rented apartment city resident refuses pounds dishes, preferring to just one thing on all occasions, but cool. And getting a holiday gift from the fate that's a set of design studio "Utopik" (France):

Professional electric corkscrew on the "Bosch"

Compact Cordless lithium-ion battery with European designers managed to equip the nozzle opening bottles. Sometimes we have to do en masse, not only for presentations and balls, but at home, if the company is good.

Dull cork filled with clever
Transgalakticheskaya Corporation "Flashes in the form of something you like," put into practice the ideas of designers crazy gifts, began selling the media in the crust of wine corks. The idea of ​​the lives and works in Hong Kong - a city traditionally has an interest in expensive wines. Capacity plug-stick hand, spiritual work - 1 Gig of soulless bytes.

Wine dishes for lovers of 'nature'
In somebody's life a plastic cup of wine, drunk with someone in the bushes, the park or in the yard, perhaps, was the beginning of an interesting and enjoyable stories. Bring an informal atmosphere that someone would call romantic, cozy in a secular feast will help residents of the glass of the Earth Czech master glass cases Velkovskogo Maxim. Dishes author, so it is quite expensive, a couple of glasses worth more than $ 50. A bottle of wine to be poured into them, must be too 'out like that. "Not behind the garages, I suppose, we drink.

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